Tag Archive for: spring
Are the Bears Out Yet?
Commentary, NewsSpring has finally arrived!
The warmer temperatures and melting snow, the sound of geese arriving and the sweet spring song of chickadees makes one feel like spending more time outdoors, exploring our local trails!
That warmer weather also…
Spring is Here! Try Something New!
Activity, Commentary, UncategorizedFeeling a bit down and out following the bleakness of winter?
Spring is around the corner and with the warm weather, a number of recreational groups in the community will be hosting their annual general meetings and club membership drives.…
Ten Good Things to do with your Family this Spring
Activity, Education, NewsSpring is a timed of renewed energy, increasing daylight hours, warmer temperatures accompanied by the return of birds and greenery! Celebrate all things spring with your family! How many of the following activities will your family try this…
Eagle Point Nature News Volume 2
Education, NewsGood Stuff to do with your Kids - Part 2 - Puddles and Wild Birds' Eggs
By Kathy Schwengler, Education & Outreach Coordinator, EPBR Parks Council
Download your Copy of Eagle Point Nature News Vol 2
This morning, I was out catching…
Spring – Weather and Wildlife
NewsBy Kathy Schwengler, Education & Outreach Coordinator, Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council
The general consensus here in the Drayton Valley area is that this winter has gone on far too long! We all must agree that in Alberta, one has…