Tag Archive for: birders

Eagle Point Team Smashes Previous Bird Census Records!
Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedOur seventh year participating in Global Big Day is one for the record books!
The smoky conditions made birding more challenging this year - visibility at Willey West Campground was especially poor, as was Buck Lake. Smoke or no, 33 people…

Spring is Here! Try Something New!
Activity, Commentary, UncategorizedFeeling a bit down and out following the bleakness of winter?
Spring is around the corner and with the warm weather, a number of recreational groups in the community will be hosting their annual general meetings and club membership drives.…

Let’s Go Birding in Drayton Valley
Activity, Education, NewsTrending and Good for your Health!
Birding, the act of observing birds in their natural habitats, has gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years. Birding is guaranteed to get you outside so you can build connections to the natural world.…

The Birds of Eagle Point Provincial Park will be Celebrating this Christmas!
Activity, Education, Events, NewsChristmas Tree in the Forest
The birds of Eagle Point Provincial Park will celebrate Christmas once again this year at a beautiful spruce tree decorated with edible decorations and lights! This year, the tree is a bit off the beaten path of…

Eagle Point Provincial Park to host Citizen Science Project
Activity, Education, EventsSpring Means Get Outside and Explore Parks!
The days are longer, the nights are warmer! The sounds of geese and robins fill the air! Spring is in full swing in Drayton Valley! This mild spring weather makes it so inviting to explore the local…

Create Your Own Outdoor Christmas Tree for the Birds!
Activity, Education, NewsFeeding Birds in Winter
In the depths of winter, a flock of colourful birds visiting your home is reward enough, but for the birds, a visit to feeders helps them get through those long months of cold. In west central Alberta, feeding stations…

Whose Song is it Anyways? A Bird Sound Challenge!
Activity, EducationBird Sound Challenge - Two Ways to get your kids to connect with nature through bird sounds! Video or quiz format!

Connecting Kids to Nature with Bird Bingo
Activity, EducationYour kids will "Connect" to Nature with Eagle Point Bird Bingo!

Be a Local Scientist on Global Big Day!
Events, NewsJoin us on May 4, 2019 for Global Big Day and be a part of a global bird count. On May 11, at 11:00 am, join us for Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Tipi Rising Ceremony including a ceremonial smudge with our Metis Local partners.

Parks Council News and Events
Events, NewsParks Council News and Events April 2019

Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council takes part in Global Big Day!
Activity, EventsEagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council takes part in Global Big Day!
by Kathy Schwengler, Education & Outreach Coordinator for Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council.
On Saturday, May 5, 2018, join us for a day of birding at 3…
Tag Archive for: birders

Hello Birds! Series of Bird Events.
Adult Learning, Adult Recreation, Education, Family Fun, HikeCheck back for full details and registration on our Hello Birds! Series of Events:
The Barred Owl Project with Guest Speaker Lisa Takats-Priestley, May 6 at 7:30 pm, registration required for this free event! Presentation will be held at…