Eagle Point Team Smashes Previous Bird Census Records!
Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedOur seventh year participating in Global Big Day is one for the record books!
The smoky conditions made birding more challenging this year - visibility at Willey West Campground was especially poor, as was Buck Lake. Smoke or no, 33 people…

Hello Birds! We’re Celebrating Migration with a Festival of Activities!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, Kids and Youth, NewsOur Annual Bird Count is quickly approaching! Our Bird Count coincides with World Migratory Bird Day!
This year, we are leading up to our Eagle Point Bird Count with a Festival of Bird Focused events! We'd like to thank Obsidian Energy Ltd…

What’s a Nature Navigator and Why Do we Need It?
Commentary, Education, Kids and Youth, NewsWhat's a "Nature Navigator"?
We've given our dream a name - The “Nature Navigator.” The “Nature Navigator” is a cargo van designed to accommodate effective delivery of our Nature Programming. Staff will be able to easily access learning…

Eagle Point Loppet is Back!
Activity, Events, News, RaceWhat is a Loppet you ask?
A Loppet symbolizes food, family, fun, and of course, Nordic skiing! Loppet ski events are fun for the whole family - if you can walk you are not too young to ski! Whether you are a competitive skier, or a novice who…

Our 6th Bird CENSUS Can Use Your Help!
Activity, Education, Events, Kids and Youth, NewsOur 6th Annual Bird Census!
This May 13 marks our 6th year participating in a world wide census of birds through Global Big Day! In 2022, a record 7673 bird species were counted in 201 countries by 51,455 people! Our local Eagle Point team…

April Outdoor Activities in the Park!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedWhat's Going on in the Parks this April?
By Erin Klatt, EPBR Parks Council
Camping 101:
There is something so special about being out in nature! We recommend spending as much time as possible in the wilderness - for both physical and mental…

We’ve been Shortlisted for the Emerald Awards!
Education, News, UncategorizedWe're so excited to announce that we've been shortlisted for the Alberta Emerald Awards!
Since 1992, the Emerald Awards have showcased over 350 recipients and 850 finalists who are raising the bar in addressing environmental and climate change…

Are the Bears Out Yet?
Commentary, NewsSpring has finally arrived!
The warmer temperatures and melting snow, the sound of geese arriving and the sweet spring song of chickadees makes one feel like spending more time outdoors, exploring our local trails!
That warmer weather also…

Our Education Season Ends and our Summer Programs Begin!
Activity, Education, Events, NewsIt's a Wrap!
As I write this article, we are preparing for tomorrow’s education program, which happens to be the last one of the 2021-2022 season! We will wrap up with four Grade 1 classes at beautiful Willey West Campground. We’ve had…

Let’s Go Birding in Drayton Valley
Activity, Education, NewsTrending and Good for your Health!
Birding, the act of observing birds in their natural habitats, has gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years. Birding is guaranteed to get you outside so you can build connections to the natural world.…

5 Spring Activities For The Entire Family
Activity, Education, News1. BUILD AND TEST PUDDLE RAFTS
Spring isn’t spring without some puddles to play in! Kids can learn all about buoyancy with hands-on play! Watch our PUDDLE RAFTS YouTube video for ideas on how to build 3 kinds of puddle rafts, or get inspired…

Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022
Activity, Education, News
Women’s Wellness Retreat 2022 comes to Eagle Point Provincial Park
A Great Way to Kick off Spring!
Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council is pleased to announce a fantastic event for all you hard working ladies out there! We’re hosting…

Migration, Incubation and You
Activity, Education, NewsMigration, Incubation and You
Will Spring Ever Get Here?
For residents of northern climates, the arrival of migrating birds is a sure sign that spring must be on it’s way! Last year, I saw my first geese flying overhead on March 7, so…

2022 Fire & Ice Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Activity, Events, News
Family Day Eve Fire & Ice Festival
On February 20, Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council is partnering with the Town of Drayton Valley to host the 2022 Family Day Eve Fire & Ice Festival from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
In 2020, over…

The Birds of Eagle Point Provincial Park will be Celebrating this Christmas!
Activity, Education, Events, NewsChristmas Tree in the Forest
The birds of Eagle Point Provincial Park will celebrate Christmas once again this year at a beautiful spruce tree decorated with edible decorations and lights! This year, the tree is a bit off the beaten path of…

Trail and Camp Etiquette
Activity, Education, News
I am no stranger to the trails..... This past year, it seems like everyone has taken up hiking (I don’t blame them - nature heals!). However, many people are unaware of some of the most basic trail and camp etiquette. Today, I’m…

Ten Good Things to do with your Family this Spring
Activity, Education, NewsSpring is a timed of renewed energy, increasing daylight hours, warmer temperatures accompanied by the return of birds and greenery! Celebrate all things spring with your family! How many of the following activities will your family try this…

10 Winter Activities for the Entire Family!
Activity, Education, NewsGO ON A WINTER WALK
Collect items along the way and make a collage with them when you get home.
Take some snowy pictures.
Look for tracks in the snow.
Look for a nice big patch of undisturbed white fluffy…

Create Your Own Outdoor Christmas Tree for the Birds!
Activity, Education, NewsFeeding Birds in Winter
In the depths of winter, a flock of colourful birds visiting your home is reward enough, but for the birds, a visit to feeders helps them get through those long months of cold. In west central Alberta, feeding stations…

Prepare for Winter!
Activity, Education, News
By Erin Klatt
It’s that time of year, when the days are shorter, the weather changes faster and you really need to be dressed for anything. In beautiful Alberta, you can experience all four seasons…

The Disappearing Bug
Education, NewsWhy are bugs disappearing and why should you care?