Eagle Point-Blue Rapids

An Important Wildlife Corridor In Alberta

The Eagle Point – Blue Rapids Provincial Park Recreation Area system conserves an important wildlife corridor between the Foothills Natural Region, the Boreal Natural Region, and the Aspen Parkland. There is abundant wildlife in the system including species of moose, elk, fisher, white-tailed deer, black bear, wolves, and cougars. The system encompasses land in both the Central Mixedwood and Dry Mixedwood Boreal Sub-regions of Alberta.

Eagle Point Provincial Park

Eagle Point Provincial Park is over 19.6 km2 (1,962 ha) of protected lands and is located downstream of the Highway 22 Bridge, just east of Drayton Valley. A Provincial Park is an area set aside by the Province of Alberta to protect both natural and cultural landscapes as well as features. Provincial Parks are designed to protect the natural habitats within them and accommodate the recreational interests of their visitors. This generally means low-impact activities such as cross country skiing, hiking, camping, interpretive programs, wildlife viewing, and similar activities.

Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area

A Provincial Recreation Area (PRA) is an area designated primarily for a variety of outdoor recreation activities, including carefully managed motorized off-highway vehicles. Provincial Recreation Areas are a valuable conservation tool and able to consolidate certain kinds of recreational activities within appropriate areas, thereby diverting those activities from other more sensitive sites nearby. Blue Rapids Provincial Recreation Area is over 36.4km2 (3640 ha) of protected lands and is located upstream of the Highway 22 bridge.

Parks Management With A Community Perspective

Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council

The Eagle Point – Blue Rapids Parks Council is a grassroots non-profit organization comprised of local recreational member organizations, landowners, government, and industry representatives who are responsible for the planning, funding, and management of the Eagle Point Provincial Park and the Blue Rapids Provincial Recreational Area in partnership with Alberta Parks.

Preserving The Parks System

Alberta’s parks preserve landscapes, biodiversity, natural features, cultural history, and outdoor experiences that represent our province. Currently, the parks system includes more than 470 sites, covering more than 27,500 square kilometers. These lands encompass all six of Alberta’s natural regions. For these reasons, parks are invaluable natural laboratories for the natural sciences. Parks serve as local, regional, and provincial reservoirs of biodiversity and are representative examples of Alberta’s diverse landscapes and geologic history. Reference sites from which to assess the effectiveness of management strategies applied to the broader landscape.

Our Donors

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Eagle Point – Blue Rapids Parks Council
#5136 51 Ave
Drayton Valley, AB
T7A 1S5


Phone: (780) 898-7275
Email: info@epbrparkscouncil.org

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