Nature in Winter – 5 Activities for Alberta Families!
Activity, Education, Kids and YouthWe've got some ideas to help families make the most of their winter experiences in nature without spending a lot of cash!
Head out to the trails on a frosty morning with a magnifying…

How to Embrace Alberta Winters Without Freezing or Feeling Miserable
Activity, EducationA lot of people dread Alberta winters. Maybe you’ve heard the horror stories or lived through them yourself—months of bitter cold that make you want to hibernate until spring. If you can’t jet off to the Caribbean or settle into a cozy…

Summer Camp – Should You Send Your Kids?
Activity, Education, Events, Kids and YouthSummer camp can be a life changing, memorable experience for your kids. They can learn team work and skills while expanding their independence and confidence.
These days, there are so many kinds of summer camps - overnight camps, day camps,…

Eagle Point Team Smashes Previous Bird Census Records!
Commentary, Education, Events, News, UncategorizedOur seventh year participating in Global Big Day is one for the record books!
The smoky conditions made birding more challenging this year - visibility at Willey West Campground was especially poor, as was Buck Lake. Smoke or no, 33 people…

Hello Birds! We’re Celebrating Migration with a Festival of Activities!
Activity, Commentary, Education, Events, Kids and Youth, NewsOur Annual Bird Count is quickly approaching! Our Bird Count coincides with World Migratory Bird Day!
This year, we are leading up to our Eagle Point Bird Count with a Festival of Bird Focused events! We'd like to thank Obsidian Energy Ltd…

Ouch! Winter Slips and Falls! Three Ways to Avoid Them.
Activity, Commentary, Education, UncategorizedIf you haven’t fallen on ice, you probably know someone who has. Every year, thousands of Canadian make a visit to a doctor or the Emergency department of a hospital due to falls on ice ! As a matter of interest, Albertans have nearly triple…