Insects and Spiders Learning Links
Activity, EducationInsect and Spider Learning Links and Activities
Fun Stuff
Crafts - How to Paint a Bug Rock
Music - Songs about Bugs, Insects, Spiders and Slugs
Movies - A Bug’s Life - Watch the Trailer
Bug Bingo Activity Page
Insect Hotels: A Refuge…

Catching Bugs with a Pooter
Activity, EducationBuild your own Pooter to Catch Bugs!
Scientists call them aspirators, but bug enthusiasts call them pooters. Pooters help scientists (and kids) catch small insects for closer examination without touching them. These simple instructions will…

The Disappearing Bug
Education, NewsWhy are bugs disappearing and why should you care?

Wetlands Learning Links
EducationLinks & Learning
Pond Dipping with Eagle Point Video
Experiment: Build a Water Filter
Wetlands Activity Sheets (Bingo, Crosswords and More): www.epbrparkcouncil.org/pond-dipping
Aquatic Plants of…

Experiment – Wetlands as a Filter
Activity, EducationDid you know that one of the great benefits of wetlands is their ability to filter run-off before it enters open water? Sediments and pollutants (including manure and chemicals) that pass through a wetlands before entering open water are filtered…

Pond Dipping
Activity, EducationWonders of Wetlands is our most popular Environmental Education program. Kids love pond dipping! Turn it into a family adventure by visiting a wetland to discover who and what lives there. The best time for pond dipping is early June until early…