Whose Song is it Anyways? A Bird Sound Challenge!
Activity, EducationBird Sound Challenge - Two Ways to get your kids to connect with nature through bird sounds! Video or quiz format!

Connecting Kids to Nature with Bird Bingo
Activity, EducationYour kids will "Connect" to Nature with Eagle Point Bird Bingo!

Eagle Point Nature News – Get Your Free Copy!
Education, NewsDownload your copy of Eagle Point Nature News .

Let’s Go on a Colour Safari!
Education, NewsColour Hunting for the Kids!
Enjoy interactive nature walks with your little ones with this colour hunting activity! Kick up your child's observation skills while helping them connect with nature. Parents - even you may be surprised with…

Nature Journals are not just for Scientists
Education, NewsNature Journals are a great way to get kids to build a deeper connection to nature while enhancing their observations skills.

Eagle Point Nature News Volume 2
Education, NewsGood Stuff to do with your Kids - Part 2 - Puddles and Wild Birds' Eggs
By Kathy Schwengler, Education & Outreach Coordinator, EPBR Parks Council
Download your Copy of Eagle Point Nature News Vol 2
This morning, I was out catching…

Nature News and the New Normal
NewsNature News
As with any challenging situation, opportunities arise as a way to adjust to new circumstances. As we adapt to this new normal, we are super excited to announce the production of “Eagle Point Nature News.” To continue with our…